Let’s Get Visual! Using creative solutions to link personality to career choice
This paper provides evidence that clearly establishes a link between personality and career choice. In this instance ‘personality’ refers to the preferences described by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs in the assessment tool known as the MBTI. The purpose of their work was to make the theory of psychological types described by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung under...
The Personality Puzzle for Teens is not only an effective tool to identify type, it’s also springboard for a number of activities to assist teens in the process of self-discovery. Here are just a few of these activities:
1. This is Really Me!
Take a look at your own type description (You have permission to copy one card for your client so he/she can refer back to the details on the card). Underline the phrases that jump out at you as being a spot on de
The Personality Puzzle is not only an effective tool to identify type, it's also springboard for a number of activities to explore type. Here are just a few of these activities:
1. Meet my Opposite
Provide each participant the card with his/her own whole type description. Now flip the card and look at the type description on the other side of the card. It will be the type opposite. From this description, have the participants make up a character ...
Teenagers – exciting, exuberant, exhausting and exasperating! All of these things and, of course many more. For those of us who live and/or work with this age group we know so well the highs and lows; the expectations followed by achievement and the expectations followed by disappointment. It is indeed a tricky age. So how can we help, especially when they may appear so disinterested in being helped and dismissive of our abilities as adults to unders
Article originally posted @ www.annholm.net on December 2, 2011
Understanding personal strengths and cognitive style is an important part of being effective in our work, relationships, and communication. There are many tools and instruments that can be used to measure these strengths and preferences. Some measures, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator have stood the test of time as being both valid and useful in creating this self-understanding.