Sue Blair is the director of Personality Dynamics Ltd in Auckland, New Zealand and author of The Personality Puzzles. She specialises in coaching and training using  Myers-Briggs® in businesses, schools, careers advising and youth development.

Sue is an experienced presenter and keynote speaker having presented to conferences in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. She has been training, facilitating and writing on psychological type for twenty years. She is an MBTI® practitioner and qualified adult educator.

Sue is the recipient of the 2015 Gordon Lawrence Award. This award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the field of education that promotes the constructive use of psychological type.

As a presenter she has run hundreds of workshops, spoken to thousands of business managers, employees, parents, teens and teachers and is constantly rewarded by their reaction to the insights that are gained through the application of Type knowledge in the workplace, homes and in classrooms.  She has a deep interest in exploring how information on psychological type can be delivered in simple yet effective ways which honour the integrity and complexity of the Myers-Briggs model whilst making it understandable and valuable to those who are hearing about it for the first time.

Your personality is your permanent companion, so it’s a good idea to spend time getting to know more about it. The rewards of this effort are remarkable. Only then are you able to appreciate amazing diversity in the people with whom we live, work and share our lives. 

“Honour diversity, practise inclusivity.” 

She was born and raised in London, has raised her two children in New Zealand and is now settled in Auckland with frequent visits back to her ‘other home’ to visit family.  

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