Good news!

As a new addition to the opportunities available when purchasing The Personality Puzzles, it is now permissible to print the 8 key verification cards from the Type at Work, Type for Teens and the Learning Puzzle. These are the cards that have a symbol in the centre and the scattering of words which describe each preference.

The cards can be taken to your local printer and be scanned or copied and then enlarged to whatever size will suit you best. They can be used in presentations, workshops, coaching environments or classrooms.

The intention behind this is to make learning ‘Type’ more accessible. The posters provide very helpful graphics which will enhance engagement and make the process of understanding ‘Type’ easier, more effective, attractive, professional, valuable and enjoyable.

As per the purchase agreement in the terms and conditions on this web site, it is also permissible to copy a whole type description for each of your clients so they can retain and use the information on them. Permission is also given for clients to take photos of any of the cards. 

Please respect the copyright on all other cards. It is not permissible to copy the cards for any other purpose other than those mentioned above. Your co-operation on this is greatly appreciated.

If you do choose to make posters it would be lovely to see photos! Please send them to