What is The Personality Puzzle Box?

The Personality Puzzle Box is a 6-lesson classroom tool kit enabling educators to teach about personality preferences and encourages conversations around self awareness, self-esteem, people differences and communication skills. What does your school currently use? Are your resources achieving what you hope for? Does this need to be reviewed? Please be in touch if you think we can help.

What need is satisfied?

This programme meets the most recent NZ curriculum goals for the Health and Physical Education departments with regard to:

  • Personal growth and development
  • Identity
  • Interpersonal skills

Self-awareness and personality can be included in a wide range of wellness programmes. These can sit in various departments within a school. Typically they land in Physical Education, Health, Social Studies, Religious Education, Careers Guidance or part of a tutor group or year level study for students from age 14 upwards. Reactions from the students are fantastic. (See below!)


This is the first integrated teaching resource, created and tested in NZ, which offers access to the Myers-Briggs model of personality. It combines teacher training, practical resources and ongoing support.

Who is the card sort resource for?

The potential is for teachers with the following roles to become trained to use this resource:

  • Health and P.E teachers
  • Careers counsellors
  • Guidance counsellors
  • Educators responsible for student leader training
  • Pastoral care providers


The price is NZ$950 +gst. This resource is available to those who have appropriate training to use it well. Sue offers webinars to bring trainers to a point that they feel confident to run the programme. Please contact Sue for more information. 

International Purchases

If you are outside of New Zealand please be in contact and I can advise on how we can help deliver the resource and training wherever you are in the world.

What do the students say?

Really enjoyed it.  Found it very accurate with not only me, but friends also.  Presented really well to ensure understanding.

Absolutely fabulous!  I think it’s a really cool thing for any teenager to experience because this is a time of our lives when we, me anyway, feel unsure of ourselves and this cleared a lot up for me – thank you! Xoxoxoxox

The different activities to discover the different types were interesting and fun – somewhat confusing at first – but it’s meant to be that way so it’s fine.


Very relevant information in terms of leadership skills and the suitable timing.  My personality profile was mostly accurate.

FANTASTIC.  LOVED IT.  Has really helped me figure out myself and understand why others behave as they do.

Very interesting to learn about yourself more.  Was a lot easier to understand when talking one to one.

Twas good.  Thinking from the corner of the circle.        (A ‘motto’ which came from the INTP group.)

Yeah, awesome.

That I’m perfectly categorised.        (Please note: we do not, and never, attempt to ‘put people in boxes’!)

You learn something about yourself and others!

Very enjoyable and interesting to work with people the same as you that you wouldn’t expect to be the same

Very accurate, worthwhile, interesting, enjoyable and recommendable

It was crazy how accurate the ISFJ description was for me!

I really enjoyed it and people that do this workshop next time I know they will love it.

Absolutely brilliant 

Very interesting

  • Useful information
  • Fun/enjoyable
  • Eye opening

It’s helped me understand people 🙂

Life changing experience, such a great opportunity, thank you SO SO MUCH!

So lucky that I got to experience the presentation.  Really wish some of my other friends could experience this.

Really great experience.


It was awesome.

Great, Great work.  Really enjoyed it.  Never boring.  Always interesting.  Thank you.

Extremely beneficial course to allow future leaders to have a strong base for future leadership.  Awesome!

This will definitely help me improve my leadership skills by understanding how people think and reasons behind their actions.

Fantastic for teenagers.  Thanks.

I feel the information portrayed me fully.

Very awesome ideas, fun and very helpful.

Learnt heaps.

What the participants said  in response to “What part of the workshop did you gain most from?”

Understanding why certain people don’t think the same way I do

Finding a fairly definite personality type that describes ME and having it compacted down into one little piece of paper

Discovering what all the different aspects of the personality test meant and what I was and what that meant

Understanding how INTP affects my life

The understanding of how the symbols affect my life, and how each thing represents my personality

The most value I took from this workshop was understanding the way my brain and attitude works.  My personality code will also help me for future goals and aspirations in life.

Understanding my type so I find out what works for me

Understanding that we’re not defined by each letter, but it’s what we resort to when we are feeling comfortable in the environment.

Personality profile piece of paper with all the info about me.

Learning about the different characteristics and people behave/think differently.

Learning how others feel about my ‘type’ and allowing them to find out how I feel

Learning that other people share the same personality as me.

Learning that although you may have a ‘first’ preference, you can have a ‘then’.  The sessions determining either E or I.

Finding out about myself and why some of my relationships are that way.  Finding out what/how my mind works was great!

The entire personality testing process was very eye-opening for me.

The explanation of all the different types of personalities.

Finding out my personality type and how accurate it is to me.

The lot but also once I found that I was an ESTP and all the info I received was 100% true!!

Finding out who was most like and unlike me.

Being placed with others of the same personality type and seeing that others think the same as me.

Learning what my personality was like from the informational sheets.

All of it!

Finding out how different every individual is to one another and how we complement each other.

Learning the difference between E’s and I’s and how people think.

All of it really, the pin point accuracy of the personality type descriptions really wow-ed me and opened my eyes to a lot of things in life and those around me.

Knowing the difference between myself and my peers.

The end where we did the survival task.

Finding out my personality traits.  The whole experience.

Finding out the people around me who are the same type as me and thinking the same way I do and not feeling alone with how my mind works.