Pricing Information: This product is available to those who have appropriate training. Please contact Sue for more information.
What is it?
The Personality Puzzle Box is a 6-lesson classroom tool kit
enabling teachers to teach about personality preferences
and encourages conversations around people differences.
Who is it for?
The potential is for teachers with the following roles to become trained to use this resource: Health and P.E teachers Careers counsellors Guidance counsellors Educators responsible for student leader training.
What need is satisfied?
This programme meets the most recent NZ curriculum goals for the Health and Physical Education departments with regard to: Personal growth and development, identity and interpersonal skills.
This is the first integrated teaching resource, created and tested in NZ, which offers access to the Myers Briggs model of personality. It combines teacher training, practical resources and ongoing support.
Card Sort Coaching Webinars
A series of card sort coaching webinars are available to help boost your confidence in using Myers-Briggs® in your work. Visit the Training Webinars page for more information.